Editorial Services
There is nothing more exciting that reading a new book! And I can't wait to read yours! As a self-published writer, I understand how daunting the editorial process can be. I'm here to work with you to ensure your manuscript is as best it can be. My goal is to help you achieve your writing goals via actionable feedback. We'd be a good fit if you:
- write fiction. Particularly fantasy, history, sci-fi.
- want a sample edit of your work
- want to meet either in person of virtually
- You value clear communication and honest feedback
- you want somebody who will get as excited about your WIP as you are
You want an editor who asks questions when they're unsure, offers examples and examples the reasoning behind their edits.
- You want an editor who seeks to understand your writing style and goals
There are lots of different editing stages. I've made a list. I offer opening section reviews, developmental editing, manuscript assessment and proofreading. I can recommend good people for the stages that I don't offer.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch.
Happy writing!
Structural Book editing services
Opening Section Review
Detailed feedback on the first 20,000 words of your manuscript.
Manuscript Assessment
An in-depth editorial report of your manuscript
Developmental Edit
An in-depth editorial report of your manuscript, plus line-by-line comments. Services includes a 1hr call to discuss your report.
Book coaching
Need to be held getting past writers block? Fallen into a plot hole? Or do you need a friendly ear to listen whilst you talk through your plot? Authors are epic procrastinators, so perhaps you need somebody to hold you to account? Struggling with the beast that is self publishing? If you answered yes to any of the above, you might benefit from booking a consolation with a book coach.
Script and screenplay services
Coming soon!
Coming soon! In the mean time, please email me for a quote.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.